RE: polygon question

Steve Ghee (
Wed, 22 Nov 1995 09:20:10 -0000

Greg writes:-
What would also be nice is the ability to do a non-local rotation
of the above format so that the xyz rotations are done about
the world coordinates axes, not whatever happens to be the local
objects axes because it has been rotated alesady.

Thats easy - define the object at the top of the hierarchy!

The only other solution is to wait for behaviours and have the object =
itself orientate itself, taking into account the current coordinate =
system; it has to be done this way because some other (parent) object =
may change it's orientation/position and your object will inherit that =
change as you are within that objects child hierarchy; using behaviours, =
your object could adjust it' s position/orientation when it sees the =
parent coordinate system change.

Steve Ghee email:
Director of New Technolgy www:
Division Ltd tel: [+44] 145 461 5554
19 Apex Court fax: {+44] 145 561 5532
Bristol BS12 4JT

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