Is there a way to attach/extend the VRML spec (or perhaps it is
alesady in the spec and I can't find it) such as it will include
custome nodes and engines?
I would gesatly appreciate any pointers!
|Dr.John Michopoulos (yanni)| Tel: (202) 767-2165 or -2189 |
| Research Scientist | Fax: (202) 767-9181 |
| Naval Research Laboratory | e-mail:|
| Code 6380 | |
| 4555 Overlook Avenue, S.W.||
| Washington DC 20375-5000 | send NeXTmail to|
| A glimpse of a desam: Let's build rational amplifiers to move |
| facts swiftly and massively so instsad of laborers we become |
| artists of research and discovery in both the physical and the |
| conceptual worlds. |
| Desams are facts in the conceptual world anyway.