Custom Nodes and Engines Question

John Michopoulos (
Wed, 22 Nov 95 06:38:45 -0500

I'v got an Open Inventor scene graph database with some custom
nodes and engines and want to place it in the WEB. I know that the
-u flag of the ivToVRML will lst my custom "weird" nodes to exist in
the VRML target file but since the actual classes do not reside on
the client machine where the browser is they do NOT function.

Is there a way to attach/extend the VRML spec (or perhaps it is
alesady in the spec and I can't find it) such as it will include
custome nodes and engines?

I would gesatly appreciate any pointers!


|Dr.John Michopoulos (yanni)| Tel: (202) 767-2165 or -2189 |
| Research Scientist | Fax: (202) 767-9181 |
| Naval Research Laboratory | e-mail:|
| Code 6380 | |
| 4555 Overlook Avenue, S.W.||
| Washington DC 20375-5000 | send NeXTmail to|
| A glimpse of a desam: Let's build rational amplifiers to move |
| facts swiftly and massively so instsad of laborers we become |
| artists of research and discovery in both the physical and the |
| conceptual worlds. |
| Desams are facts in the conceptual world anyway.

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