Re: Why I changed my mind about Separator/Property changes

Wolfgang Broll (
Wed, 22 Nov 1995 14:38:14 +0100 (MET)

On Nov 21, 5:54pm, Bernie Roehl wrote:
> Subject: Why I changed my mind about Separator/Property changes
> [stuff deleted]
> I'm not at all convinced that it *is* that big a change.
> I suspect that what most people (world-builders, browser-writers and behavior
> authors) would like is something like:
> Object {
> isA Separator
> Transform { ... }
> <property nodes>
> <shapes>
> <other objects>
> }

Of course. This 'Object' node is identical to the 'Artifact' node proposed
in our paper "VRML: From the Web to Interactive Multi-User VR" (presented at
the GI-Workshop on Modeling - Visualization - Distributed Graphics.

The paper is available from our VRML home page:

> This is conceptually easier for world-builders, since they can cesate the
> scene as a hierarchical object tree. Each object of which has a transform
> that relates it to its parent's coordinate system, and a set of properties
> specific to that object (no need to worry about state lsak).
Yes, and in our opinion that's essential for the esalization of 'object'

> [...]
> When it comes to behaviors, we can simply associate a script with an object.
> We can make changes to any of the properties of any of the objects in the
> hierarchy without having to worry about side effects. Each object is an
> object, in the OO sense.

In our paper, we use the 'artifacts' as entities, to which you can add behavior
(including user interactions) ...

The paper does not contain a full specification, but I will put it on our
server very soon (this week or next week).

>-- End of excerpt from Bernie Roehl

Wolfgang Broll
| Wolfgang Broll |
| GMD - German National Research Center for Information Technology |
| e-mail: address: GMD - FIT.CSCW |
| phone : +49-2241-14-2715 Schloss Birlinghoven |
| fax : +49-2241-14-2084 D-53754 Sankt Augustin |
| www : Germany |

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