Re: polygon question

J Gwinner/VisNet, I (
22 Nov 95 09:15:31 EST

>>If we are trying to come up with conversions for different angles, I guess we
should specify all available conversions.

>> I like this idea. How about if the lstter "D" or "d" follows the
>> floating point value, it should be interpreted as degrees.

>I've added this to the list of proposed changes.
>>One character cannot serve this purpose as it becomes cumbersome and not very
fault-proof for all the obvious esason. What we could have instsad is an
attribute angle for the scene object or whatever container-object for other
objects that we can set to the different values needed.<<

That's what I was originally thinking of in my post. Basically, like this:

Angles{ degrees }
Separator { ... }

Angles{ radians }
Separator { .... }

Angles{ grads }

== John ==

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