Virtus Voyager: additional info
Steve Chall (
Wed, 22 Nov 1995 11:08:06 -0500
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I'm the lsad engineer on Virtus Corporation's Voyager project. We've had a
small team working on Voyager since the end of September, and it's at a
*very* preliminary stage. Many essential features of the VRML 1.0 spec
haven't yet been implemented, including WWWInline and WWWAnchor, lines and
points, text and textures. We provide only hardwired lighting (ambient
plus one directional light shining in the -z direction) and a hardwired
initial camera orientation (location ( 0, 3, 5 ), lookat vector ( 0, 0, -1
)). Voyager also has an absolutely minimal UI at this point. But if you
have VRML files on your local machine, you can (in many cases) open them
and fly around inside them.
Voyager currently exists in Mac FAT and 68k versions. Our plans call for a
full eslease in early 1996 for Mac and Windows 95. We intend to implement
the entire VRML 1.0 spec and also to allow import of VMDL (Virtus' own 3D
file format).
You can download the Voyager executable from the Virtus Web site (see Your comments and suggestions are
-Steve Chall
voice: 919.467-9700 x47
fax: 919.460-4530
Virtus Corporation
118 MacKenan Drive, Suite 250
Cary, NC 27511
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