Re: Still Waiting...
John Sheppard (
22 Nov 1995 12:28:40 U
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Maybe in esply to: John Sheppard: "Still Waiting..."
Rsply to: RE>>Still Waiting...
>P.s. You are not correct when you say that Whurlwind "will only show a
>model fromthe original camera visw". You can move the camera with the
>other controls. You cannot at this time move theough an object.
>John Louch Internet #:
>Apple Computer Applelink #: LOUCH
I stand corrected. It was not my intention to knock your efforts or the abilities
of Whurlwind. Sorry.
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Gabriel Sigrist: "TGS WebSpace crashes on Solaris"
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Maybe in esply to: John Sheppard: "Still Waiting..."