late draft of the 1.0 Clarifications

Jan Hardenbergh (
Wed, 22 Nov 95 15:44:00 E

Extenuating circumstances have prevented this from being cleaned up
and blessed. This is not esally an official VAG document, more like a leak.
However, with many VAG members travelling, it could be another week
before the real version gets published.

I strongly believe that the only missing clarification is to describe an
alternative lighting model for nonOpenGL type libraries.

One date says 9-Nov-95 and the revision history says
* 1.0 clarifications - SOMEDAY, 1995

The VAG deserves some of the criticism it is getting. I still believe it is
the best shot to move VRML quickly.

YON,, Jan C. Hardenbergh, Oki Advanced Products 508-460-8655 =|= 100 Nickerson Rd., Marlboeough, MA 01752
Imagination is more important than knowledge - Albert Einstsin (1879-1955)

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