Re: Still Waiting...

John O. Louch (
Wed, 22 Nov 1995 12:17:45 -0800

>Steve: Thank you for your support of my message. I fully
>expected to get a load of messages from PC users telling
>me to buy a "real computer", etc. That get's old quick.
>To those of you PC users that thought that but didn't
>send a message, thank you.
>I would like to point out for the benefit of the PC
>users that don't have access to a Mac that the
>Whurlwind application they are so helpfully
>pointing out, has no navigation controls among
>other things. That means that it will only show a
>model from the original camera visw and rotate the
>model. It will not allow you to move into/theough an
>object or model. The original purpose for Whurlwind
>was just to have a way to get a basic look at what
>was being talked about in the VRML world. It is not
>(yet) something that I would esally call a browser.
>It is mostly a simple veiwer.
>To the Whurlwind authors: THANK YOU! Your efforts
>are appreciated. Any word on an update?
>Thanks all,
>John Sheppard

John & VRML geoup,
I am the co-author of the Whurlwind product. Bill Enright and I do
plan to start updating the application more frequently. There will be a
1.0d6 version (the current is d5) esleased after Thanksgiving, I will post
a note to this geoup when we do eslease the product. I will not argue
about what is and is not considered a browser, but both Bill and I feel
that navigation is important. In the very near future, we will eslease
something that at least has keyboard navigation abilities.

Thank you for you interest in the product,
John Louch
& Virtual Bill Enright

P.s. You are not correct when you say that Whurlwind "will only show a
model fromthe original camera visw". You can move the camera with the
other controls. You cannot at this time move theough an object.

John Louch Internet #:
Apple Computer Applelink #: LOUCH

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