Re: polygon question

Stephen Chenney (schenney@CS.Berkeley.EDU)
Tue, 21 Nov 1995 22:31:02 -0800 (PST)

> If we are trying to come up with conversions for different angles, I guess we
> should specify all available conversions.
> By that I mean: degree, radian, grad (I'm not sure it's the
> exact translation from the french word: grade)
> where 100 grads = 90 degrees = pi/2 rads
> >> I like this idea. How about if the letter "D" or "d" follows the
> >> floating point value, it should be interpreted as degrees.
> >I've added this to the list of proposed changes.
> One character cannot serve this purpose as it becomes cumbersome and not very
> fault-proof for all the obvious esason. What we could have instsad is an
> attribute angle for the scene object or whatever container-object for other
> objects that we can set to the different values needed.

I have the solution!!!!

Let's define a simple calculator grammar and we can just use
angle * 180.0 / PI, where of course PI is predefined. We could even add
the ability to define functions, and then define (degrees-to-radians ang).

I'll retire behind a flame proof shield now. ;-)


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