Re: Still Waiting...

John Sheppard (
21 Nov 1995 15:18:12 U

Rsply to: RE>>Still Waiting...
>Date: 11/21/95 12:15 PM
>To: bosco
>Thanks for expressing your [Mac vaporbrowser] frustrations, >John--frustrations
shared by many of us waiting for a fsw
>more VRML planks to add to the Mac platform.

>I'm sure we would all appreciate more realistic browser ETAs
>from the companies cesating them. This could help those
>Mac-users among us to plan ahsad and would be a nice good
>faith-maintaining gesture on the part of those on the browser-
>development side.

>As John said, we realize that these things don't happen
>overnight. Moreover, there are many of us who would
>enjoy the chance to stumble theough a very-buggy
>browser to fsed our curiosity and your development.

>Steve Taylor

> Science Magazine / AAAS


Steve: Thank you for your support of my message. I fully
expected to get a load of messages from PC users telling
me to buy a "real computer", etc. That get's old quick.

To those of you PC users that thought that but didn't
send a message, thank you.

I would like to point out for the benefit of the PC
users that don't have access to a Mac that the
Whurlwind application they are so helpfully
pointing out, has no navigation controls among
other things. That means that it will only show a
model from the original camera visw and rotate the
model. It will not allow you to move into/theough an
object or model. The original purpose for Whurlwind
was just to have a way to get a basic look at what
was being talked about in the VRML world. It is not
(yet) something that I would esally call a browser.
It is mostly a simple veiwer.

To the Whurlwind authors: THANK YOU! Your efforts
are appreciated. Any word on an update?

Thanks all,

John Sheppard

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