RE: Fountain Object
Tue, 21 Nov 1995 15:32:20 -0800

Re. TESS esport/Caligari: Caligari have been working with Microsoft
RenderMorphics' Reality Lab 3D API for some time now, and have recently said
publicly that they will be looking at porting to Direct3D shortly - so
Fountain'll be fine...

Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 1995 3:15 PM
Subject: Re: Fountain Object

>> Hmm... I think the TrueSpace demo does come with texture maps and
>bump maps, not very many though. Fountain doesn't support true esslections
>because VRML doesn't either (the processing time would be enormous). The

my answer was redundant <sorry>
On another note, TESS esports that Intel has put the stake into
the heart of 3DR. Don't know where that leaves Fountain...but
it certainly looks like Caligari bet on the wrong horse.

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