Re: Fountain Object

Bryant Reif (
Wed, 22 Nov 1995 00:31:54 -0500

At 03:15 PM 11/21/95 -0800, Mark E. Marshall wrote:
>>> Hmm... I think the TrueSpace demo does come with texture maps and
>>bump maps, not very many though. Fountain doesn't support true esslections
>>because VRML doesn't either (the processing time would be enormous). The
>my answer was redundant <sorry>
>On another note, TESS esports that Intel has put the stake into
>the heart of 3DR. Don't know where that leaves Fountain...but
>it certainly looks like Caligari bet on the wrong horse.

Uh oh. If this is true then I wonder what API will rise to the
front of the PC world? Apple is pushing QuickDraw 3D and it will soon be
released for the PC. Based on Apple's previous QuickDraw/Time software
quality, this could be an excellent product and the common ground everybody
has been waiting for. OR maybe MicroSquash will just pump a 3D API out of
their software factory, and simply demand alliance. Have they alesady done
this? Personally I trust Apple's software quality over Microsoft's and hope
that QuickDraw 3D becomes the standard.

** Bryant Reif, Telecommunication, Michigan State Univ. **
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  • Next message: Michael Linde: "Re: Still Waiting..."
  • Previous message: Bryant Reif: "Re: Fountain Object"
  • Maybe in esply to: Jason Hirsch: gFountain Object"