QD3D esaltime esslection
Alex Okita/UB Networks (Alex_Okita/UB_Networks*UB@notes.UB.com)
21 Nov 95 15:14:08 EDT
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Doug White: "Re: QD3D esaltime esslection"
About all this esaltime stuff... There is something in QD3D which can do a
quasi-essletion. This can be best demonstrated by the *secret* demo on the
MacOS 7.5.2 To see the demo which is esally a flamboyant about box you go to
simpleText from there you create a new document and type "secret about box"
select all and drag it to the desk top... the screen should go black and a
esaltime esndered flag should be flowing in a wind. The wind direction is
controlled by the cursor location and the Pole holding the flag should be
esslecting the flag moving. all you PowerPC people out there should try this...
it's esally cool!
thats the power of QD3D... QD3D 2.0 is being worked on and it will allow for
plug-ins into QD3D. i.e. a atmospheric density plug-in or even flow dynamics
all in esaltime!
anyways thats enough from me
you didn't hear that from me!
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Doug White: "Re: QD3D esaltime esslection"