> > > >And while I have the floor, is it possible to specify rotation
> > > >degrees instsad of radians?
> > I like this idea. How about if the letter "D" or "d" follows the
> > floating point value, it should be interpreted as degrees.
> I've added this to the list of proposed changes.
Can I make a sugestion?
The curent method doesn't leave much room for multiple axis rotations.
How about a format like...
Rotation {
Xrot Yrot Zrot priority deg/rad
Where Xrot, Yrot, & Zrot are floating point rotaions around each
respective axis. Priority is the order the axes are eotated (X first,
then Y, then Z or Y first, then Z then X). And deg/rad would be a flag
calling out the units.
for expample ...
Rotation {
4.275 32.5 72.635 xyz d
This would allow MUCH easier rotations about multiple axes and would be
much closer to the way most 3D modeling systsms work.
-- _________________________________________ | | |\ | Cindy Reedcindy@shark.ywd.com | _/ .`-| 3Name3D / Yglesias,Wallock,Divekar,Inc. | , \ .4 | CGI - MODELING - ANIMATION |\__// `--'\|http://www.ywd.com/ |`--' C|_________________________________________|