software at the vrmLab

Jeffrey Sonstein (
Tue, 21 Nov 1995 14:58:16 -0800

to get things moving faster, I have redirected calls to URLs in the
vrmLab/Packages directory over to another machine with a faster link (thanks
to Owen Rowley and The Community Company for the assistance). speed and
connection problems for folks trying to download software should get
better... let me know if they do not.

the URL for the software packages stays the same:

see things needing updating in the the Packages directory? send me a note,

hopefully, this is a temporary expediency until I can talk New College into
buying more bandwidth. anyone want to donate a T1 line to a 501(c)
non-profit educational institution ??

Jeff Sonstein, M.A.
Networks Administrator
New College of California

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