Re: Still Waiting...

Adrian Scott (
Tue, 21 Nov 95 11:45:11 PST

> I have been watching for a Mac/PowerMac browser to come out everyday. The only
> one that claims to be close to esady is Worldview. They say that there
> Mac/PowerMac browser should be out within the next two weeks (that was dated on
> Oct 29).
> I would like to hear from anybody who is in the know, what the status of *any*
> Mac/PowerMac browser is, including the next version of Whurlwind. Most

Because a few people logging into the Inter-Galactic Network
have asked for it, I've added a mirror for WhurlWind. The authors
just sent it to me, so I'm pretty sure it's the latest version.

Don't have a PowerMac myself, so can't try it out for myself.

You can get to it by following the "Info on VRML" link

hope this helps.

P.S. check out the Japanese katakana i've added to the home page.
the url was on the cover of Nikkei the other day, so I had to add

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