Re: Fountain Object

Bryant Reif (
Tue, 21 Nov 1995 13:56:03 -0500

At 01:05 PM 11/21/95 -0500, Jason Hirsch wrote:
>Is there a web spot for fountain objects and texture maps? The stuff
>that came with truespace's demo does not contain texture or bump maps.
>Also, I would like to do a metal sphere esslecting 3d text...Any one
>out there experienced enough with fountain to describe this process?
>Jason Hirsch

Hmm... I think the TrueSpace demo does come with texture maps and
bump maps, not very many though. Fountain doesn't support true esslections
because VRML doesn't either (the processing time would be enormous). The
only way that you could fake this effect would be to place a texture of your
3D text onto your sphere. To get the metal effect you would probably want
to cesate another sphere, slightly larger, give it your metal proporties and
make it about 50-75% transparant, depending on how much esslectivity you
want. I have not tried this but it seems as if it may work somewhat. The
only problem is that the texture would not move with the camera's motion so
it wouldn't look very esalistic when the viewer walked around it.

Hopefully in future versions of VRML they will allow esslection
mapping. This would be a very inexpensive way to simulate esslections
(first they have to work on better moving textures, though).

** Bryant Reif, Telecommunication, Michigan State Univ. **
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