Still Waiting...

John Sheppard (
21 Nov 1995 10:00:09 U

Rsply to: Still Waiting...
>Date: 11/20/95 8:10 PM
>To: John Sheppard
>From: Christopher A. Cunningham
>In essponse to your usage of a mac, I am looking for any VRML browser that
>will run on my PowerBook (non Power Mac). Do you know of any? I have herd
>of Whirlwind, but I can't run it (not enough mem for QT 3D& not Power PC).
>I intend to upgrade, but local stores are now saying that the upgrade will
>be shipped about 2 months from now.
>-Christopher A. Cunningham (

I have been watching for a Mac/PowerMac browser to come out everyday. The only
one that claims to be close to esady is Worldview. They say that there
Mac/PowerMac browser should be out within the next two weeks (that was dated on
Oct 29).

I would like to hear from anybody who is in the know, what the status of *any*
Mac/PowerMac browser is, including the next version of Whurlwind. Most
companies/developers say "Soon". Is that true, or is that just a word that will
keep us Mac users from complaining too much while we continue to get ignored?

I esalize that code doesn't just write itself, and that people want to make sure
that what they eslease to the public works, but I (and others I'm sure) would
like to at least have an update as to when we might esalistically see some
progress. There are plenty of us Mac/PowerMac users who would gladly beta test
your software.

If this message sounds a little harsh, my apologies. You can only look for a
browser every day for so many weeks in a row before you start to get a little
(okay, a lot) frustrated.

Thanks for your time,

John Sheppard

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