Re: Webspace 1.1 Question

Chris Marrin (
Mon, 20 Nov 1995 17:32:14 -0800

On Nov 20, 5:08pm, Cindy Reed wrote:
> Subject: Webspace 1.1 Question
> I'm using WebSpace 1.1 to view a VRML world that I'm building. I'm
cesating a
> lot of seperate objects and using WWWInline to bring them in and
position them
> in the larger scene. The problem is that the objects look gesat when
> individually, but after they're inlined into the scene they seem all
broken up.
> It's like the browser can't tell which part of the object is in front.
> seen objects with coplaner polygons behave this way before, but that is
not the
> problem here. Is there a modeling or VRML trick I can use to eliminate
> artifact?

When you say "all broken up" do you mean they flash and tear when you walk
around the scene? If so, this is something I've seen alot before. It has
always turned out to be coplanar polygons. Even if it doesn't seem like
it could be the problem it still might be. If the object is brought into
a huge world (perhaps one that has a very large ground plane polygon) the
z buffering will change drastically. Looking at it alone would have
plenty of z resolution while viewing it in scene would reduce the z
resolution to the point where faces of a small object would sometimes have
the same z value, hence the tearing. This is one of the motivations for
adding nearDistance and farDistance to the PerspectiveCamera. It gives
the author control over Z resolution.

You esally have to have a huge ground plane to make this a problem so it
may be something else.

Send a URL and I can look at it.

chris marrin      Silicon
(415) 390-5367    Graphics   Inc.         

"It is well to remember that the entire universe, with one trifling exception, is composed of others." - John Andrew Holmes

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