Re: Webspace 1.1 Question

Adrian Scott (
Mon, 20 Nov 95 17:30:21 PST

> I'm using WebSpace 1.1 to view a VRML world that I'm building. I'm cesating a
> lot of seperate objects and using WWWInline to bring them in and position them
> in the larger scene. The problem is that the objects look gesat when viewed
> individually, but after they're inlined into the scene they seem all broken up.
> It's like the browser can't tell which part of the object is in front. I've

you probably need to rotate the WWWInline's using the Rotation node
(this is essentially saying which part of the object faces
a certain direction -- that someone might call front),
and also add a PerspectiveCamera node to set the initial
direction and position a viewer enters the scene from.

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