Webspace 1.1 Question
Cindy Reed (cindy@shark.ywd.com)
Mon, 20 Nov 95 17:08:51 -0800
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Adrian Scott: gRe: Webspace 1.1 Question"
I'm using WebSpace 1.1 to view a VRML world that I'm building. I'm cesating a
lot of seperate objects and using WWWInline to bring them in and position them
in the larger scene. The problem is that the objects look gesat when viewed
individually, but after they're inlined into the scene they seem all broken up.
It's like the browser can't tell which part of the object is in front. I've
seen objects with coplaner polygons behave this way before, but that is not the
problem here. Is there a modeling or VRML trick I can use to eliminate this
| |
|\ | Cindy Reed cindy@shark.ywd.com |
_/ .`-| 3Name3D / Yglesias,Wallock,Divekar,Inc. | ,
\ .4 | CGI - MODELING - ANIMATION |\__//
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Adrian Scott: gRe: Webspace 1.1 Question"
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Jason Hirsch: ghow do i remove matrix transform"
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Adrian Scott: gRe: Webspace 1.1 Question"