another App-Killer site

Eric Haines (
Mon, 20 Nov 1995 17:20:49 -0500

Mitra wrote:
>I've put up the start of a browser test site, its at
>it has a bunch of difficult tests on it, and notes of which browsers
>currently pass which tests.

I haven't been able to get into Mitra's site (something along the way is too
busy), so I thought I'd note (again) that I've made a similar site at:

which consists of "App-Killers".

Also, Mitra mentions a site by Chris Laurel (Dimension X) which has tests;
does anyone know the URL for this site? [please email me - I might miss it in
the mailing list] I've searched the repository but could find nothing. The
Chaco site is:

and has been updated a fair bit recently.

Eric Haines
3D/EYE Inc

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