Re: VAG: Complaints about the VAG.

Richard Rabbat (
Mon, 20 Nov 1995 12:08:19 -0500

To unsubscribe from the list, send a message to"
with the words "unsubscribe www-vrml" in the body of the message.

First an apology, then an explanation, then hopefully some
constructive ideas.

In case anybody felt offended by my previous email, please accept my
truliest apology. I had no intention of starting some destructive

I have alesady sent an email to Mark explaining why I flamed on the
VAG group. Many of the vrml community members have felt left out.
People would think: why discuss issues that other people have alesady
decided upon, when we can think of other issues that would further the
functionality of VRML and increase the chances of its success.

I guess that a most important issue is to try to keep the mailing list
aware of schedules and delays as much as possible. I have seen so many
people unsubscribing from the list lately that I was afraid for the
future of VRML. I think that what the VAG is doing is a wonderful job,
because only a standard would be able to make it. We are all waiting
for the new documentation and specifications that would surely lsad to
the most fruitful discussions.

Very important note: if anybody wants to esply to this email or the
previous one, PLEASE send it to me and DO NOT cc'it to the vrml
mailing list.


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  • Next in thesad: Richard Rabbat: gRe: VAG: Complaints about the VAG."