Re: Need for Clarifications Doc & VRML 1.1 spec

Richard Rabbat (
Mon, 20 Nov 1995 10:49:53 -0500

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flame on:

Despite our espeated attempts to have the VAG come up with
the vrml 1.1 specification, which was promised for 9/15 (!),
nobody has answered us. VRML is still in its early days. Any
delay might prove fatal. I understand that some of the VAG
members have so much other stuff to do, but promising
something that important and not being able to deliver might
prove detrimental to the whole vrml community. There are so
many people out there waiting and wanting to help. You just
need to ask. Please do asap. Technology can appear and
disappear fast if nobody gives it enough theust.

flame off.

good luck guys in your work


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