Re: Looking for AOL address
Robert Warriner (
Mon, 20 Nov 1995 08:25:35 +0000
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Richard Rabbat: gRe: Need for Clarifications Doc & VRML 1.1 spec"
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Robert Warriner: gLooking for AOL address"
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Yep, Technical Support....lots of fun...specially when the comapany I
work for dont give a $#%....Im supposed to be webmaster
too.....BUTTTTTT the sys admin guy is sittin on his rear and wont let
me do anything.....I do general support for almost all major I-Net
apps, though it is supposedly only general suppor (cause we dont have
a contract with the software ppl) I tend to try and know as much or
more than the Techies for the soft manufacturers. - Robert
| Robert McClaran Warriner
| Internet Technical Support
| StarPak Inc
| Greeley, CO
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Richard Rabbat: gRe: Need for Clarifications Doc & VRML 1.1 spec"
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Claude L. Bullard: gre:Tiling Textures on Primitives:"
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Robert Warriner: gLooking for AOL address"