Re: EDIT: URL syntax for portability

Marco Calamari (
Mon, 20 Nov 1995 14:37:54 -0600

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At 13.15 17/11/95 -0500, you wrote:

>On Nov 17, 6:22pm, Marco Calamari wrote:
>> Subject: EDIT: URL syntax for portability
>> Sorry if this is a stupid question, but there is a manner to avoid the

>> complete URL specification in WWWInline hyperlinks ?

...........stuff deleted

>Links do not have to be full URL's. If the WWWInline file exists in
>the same directory as the parent WWWInline, then just the document
>name (i.e. inline.wrl) is needed. The browser will resolve the full
>URL for you.

............stuff deleted

That kind of URL specification don't work in my case.

I test the models using:
SUN IPX server
SunOS 4.1.3 with DNS server
NCSA httpd
Pc Intel 486/DX4 w Dos 6.22 & W4W 3.11
Navigator 2.0beta2 16 bit
PaperInc WebFX 16 bit Halloween release.

Models are built with Caligari's Fountain & Autodesk's 3D-Studio

I have WWWAnchor on object that need to load another model in the same

Putting anything but the complete URL in the place of the name field
caused Netscape to complain about a missing server, and inserting a part
of the URL in the missing server name line of the warning box.

I've tried construct like


Can be a DNS local problem ? Or this is a difference between WWWInline &

Thanks a lot. Marco

* Marco A. Calamari - ELEA F.P. , via S. Domenico 70, 50133 Firenze, Italy *
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