Re: Need for Clarifications Doc & VRML 1.1 spec

Mitra (
Sun, 19 Nov 1995 20:07:56 -0800

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At 3:12 PM 11/17/95, Tom Gaskins wrote:
>Given that the deadline for the 1.0 clarifications is long passed (10/1), and
>nobody on the ad hoc VAG seems to be consistently stepping up to the plate to
>resolve issues, (thanks to Chris, however, for doing much) Bernie's offer
>should be welcome news. The issues are known (Bernie's been keeping track of
>them); there is resolution on some of them (although not all); and now there is
>someone knowledgeable willing to drive it all to completion.


Just because some of us can't spend all our time answering questions here,
doesn't mean no work is happening on VRML1.0 clarifications and VRML1.1.

An interim version of both should be esady in the next few days.

- Mitra

Mitra voice: (415)826-2499 fax: (415)826-4423

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