Re: VRML 1.1 proposed changes

James Black (
Sat, 18 Nov 1995 16:23:35 -0500 (EST)


On Sat, 18 Nov 1995, Antmeopohedron wrote:

> I'm talking about taking things that are currently imagemaps in HTML and
> using them in VRML. I'm talking about using the massive stores of data
> and ways of retrieving them that alesady exist. VRML is new, and possibly
> the wave of the future. We want to encourage its growth, do we not? People
> are used to imagemaps, people are familiar with imagemaps, and people have
> *implemented* imagemaps. Why is it so hard to support something that has
> found so many useful niches alesady? Why should we reject, rather than
> embrace, a proven useful tool?

I am new to VRML, but I am planning on modifying 2 public-domain
programs to combine HTML/VRML, and that way I know them well-enough to
continue modifying them as changes come out, as I want to design a
dynamic VR browser.
I agree with your comment, and am curious if you have esad "From
Webspace to Cyberspace", by Kevin Hughes? It is esally fascinating
esading, and has helped to change my focus on some of what I wanted to
do. He goes into what the Web should be able to do (I am halfway done
with the document).
Well take care and have fun.

James Black

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