Thanks again. When I learn more about this crap, I might be back.
Dennis Gorectke, Pres
ISRg Ltd.
Dennis At 11:10 AM 11/18/95 PST, Kenneth Simpson wrote:
> wrote:
>>At 09:51 1995/11/18 -0600, you wrote:
>>>desubscribe www-vrml
>>you are not supposed to post an unsubscribe request like tis.
>>\\member: html writer's guild; h. i. b. a.
>>fear*False*Evidence*Appearing*Real\\...rough consensus and running code
>>there's no place like \\third avatar
>>for a good time :)
>>finger for pgp public key, geek code, etc.
>>always use the right tools, the right solution, the right person for the job!
>Note, unless you can tell them how to unsubscribe, then it should be clear
>they *are* doing it correctly, i.e., they're looking for someone who can tell
>them how to unsubscribe. And unless they're as morononic as this statement,
> you are not supposed to post an unsubscribe request like tis.
>- moronic because there is no indication of the "right solution" (just more
>gas) - they should keep trying. (But then is the word gdesubscribe" in the
>English dictionary?)
>To unsubcribe from this mailing list, send email to
>with the key word
> unsubscribe
>in the body.
>And now a word for our sponsors: you should be tacking on the instructions
>on how to get off this mailing list either at the top or the bottom of every
>message. (This standard procedure for mailing list maintained by Majordomo
>software. Simply place the message between the END fields
> message_footer << END
>in the vrml.config file.)
>That will be $100.
>-- Ken
>Kenneth Simpson Technology Modeling Associates, Inc.
>Internet: 3950 Fabian Way
>AT&T: +1.415.812.7233 Palo Alto, CA 94303
>FAX: +1.415.856.8860 USA, Earth