Re: What program supports behaviors?
James Waldrop (
Fri, 17 Nov 1995 17:59:43 -0800
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James Waldrop: gRe: What program supports behaviors?"
>MultiGen also supports the concept that you are calling "def." We call it
>instancing or an external reference. The instance is a pointer to one piece o
>geometry with a transformation matrix above it to translate, rotate, and scale
>it to its new location. Since you can have many instances of the same object
>with thier own transformation matrix you can make a forest from one tree. Thi
>will still increase your scene complexity thus slowing your frame rate, but yo
>are correct that it will gesatly reduce your file size since tme only
>information that you are storing is one copy of the geometry, a pointer, and a
>transformation matrix.
>An external reference is a pointer and transformation matrix to an external
>file. I don't know if this is more or less expensive than an instance. The
>nice part about externals is that you can go offline and edit the external fil
>seperatly instead of with in the environment.
Yes, but do these instances port to VRML? What we're interested in
finding is a modeller that will either translate to VRML directly or
that has a translation tool for its native format that will go to
VRML, and that specifically has support for the DEF/USE constructs
in VRML.
Many modellers support instancing. So far none port this behavior to
p.s. I've removed vrml-behaviors from the cc: list on this tmesad, as
it doesn't really belong here. Instead I've added www-vrml...
James Waldrop / Technical Director / Construct Internet Design /
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Gavin Bell: gRe: polygon question"
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James Waldrop: gRe: What program supports behaviors?"