Re: .wrl file sizes
Ian Kallen (
Fri, 17 Nov 1995 16:44:13 -0800 (PST)
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> On Fri, 17 Nov 1995, Rob Umberger wrote:
> > I have bsen lurking on and off for awhile and was wondering what the average
> > file size is for a vrml world? I've ssen files that are very small and very
> > large, but I'm trying to figure out what type of standard to suggest for the
> > company I work for.
Most modeling programs don't handle instancing or vrml primitives. They
do export vrml compliant worlds (mostly) but not very well. Check out
Spinner ( and Inventor if you want primitives.
Instancing is still tediously done by hand - I do LOD by hand too.
Modeling program authors: wake up and use the power of the existing spec!
There's a bunch of programs now purporting vrml export capabilities but
the quality of the export really concerns me.
The next interface will not be another desktop metaphor.... Ian Kallen .... ....the revolution will not be televised.
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