Re: polygon question
Stephen Chenney (schenney@CS.Berkeley.EDU)
Fri, 17 Nov 1995 14:20:14 -0800 (PST)
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> >
> > > > >And while I have the floor, is it possible to specify rotation with
> > > > >degrees instead of radians?
> > >
> > > I like this idea. How about if the letter "D" or "d" follows the
> > > floating point value, it should be interpreted as degrees. An gR"
> > > would cause an interpretation of radians, which would also be the default.
> > >
> >
> > Rather than gumming up the existing standard, how about implementing a
> > preprocessor?
> >
> > The preprocessor could convert quite a number of useful alternate
> > representations, such as a coordinate system of opposite handedness, radians,
> one of the (few?) useful features of Virtual World Factory
> is that it lets you type in angles in degrees (default) or
> radians and does the conversion for you in Rotation nodes.
Any good modeller will rarely require you to enter the angle yourself.
That's what a mouse is for. ;-)
An even better modeller lets you say: I want that edge to line up with
this edge, or that axis to align itself so that it points to the object
over there. Such things exist. Really. I'll release the VRML version soon.
Really, real soon now.
Of course sometimes the user wants to enter an angle from the keyboard, so
you need to consider those times.
[ Sorry if I'm incoherent. My brain is fried after an exam. ]
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Tom Gaskins: gNeed for Clarifications Doc & VRML 1.1 spec"
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In esply to: Adrian Scott: gRe: polygon question"
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