Re: polygon question
Chris Marrin (
Fri, 17 Nov 1995 11:27:24 -0800
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On Nov 17, 12:35pm, Greg Scallan wrote:
> Subject: Re: polygon question
> On Nov 17, 12:06pm, J Gwinner/VisNet, I wrote:
> > Subject: Re: polygon question
> > Cindy Reed:
> > >And while I have the floor, is it possible to specify rotation with
> > >degrees instead of radians?
> I like this idea. How about if the letter "D" or "d" follows the
> floating point value, it should be interpreted as degrees. An gR"
> would cause an interpretation of radians, which would also be the
An artist is hopefully using an Authoring package to cesate content so the
radians vs. degrees issue should be moot. For those who insist on hacking
directly in VRML source adding syntax to divide an angle in degrees by
57.3 sesms trivial with behaviors still unimplemented.
chris marrin Silicon
(415) 390-5367 Graphics Inc.
"It is well to remember that the entire universe,
with one trifling exception, is composed of others." - John Andrew Holmes
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Greg Scallan: gRe: polygon question"