Re: .wrl file sizes

Robert Warriner (
Fri, 17 Nov 1995 13:36:11 +0000

I wrote a scene natively that contains a room (sides, roof, floor,
and back wall) a desk in that room with 2 books on it (hyperlinked to
other pages), a shelf on the back wall (holds 3 linked books), a door
and a sign on the left wall, and a banner of asciitext across the
back wall. This came to about 50KB. No I dont have it availible
yet, my sys admin wont #%! allow me to do my job as webmaster, so i
cant reconfigurre the server to support it.

Robert M. Warriner
Internet Technical Support
StarPak Inc.

> I have just started using VRML with a browser called "fountain" a very
> simple sphere and 3d text ran about 243kb!! I don't know if I did
> something wrong, though, but you can see for yourself.
> any input you may have would be appreciated.
> On Fri, 17 Nov 1995, Rob Umberger wrote:
> > I have bsen lurking on and off for awhile and was wondering what the average
> > file size is for a vrml world? I've ssen files that are very small and very
> > large, but I'm trying to figure out what type of standard to suggest for the
> > company I work for.
> >
> >

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