Re: EDIT: URL syntax for portability

Chris Marrin (
Fri, 17 Nov 1995 11:38:00 -0800

On Nov 17, 1:30pm, Paul Burchard wrote:
> Subject: Re: EDIT: URL syntax for portability
> "Chris Marrin" <> writes:
> > It is not clearly called out in the VRML spec and I'm not
> > sure if it is defined in the URL specification but
> > relative URL's should certainly be possible. WebSpace
> > handles them the same as Netscape.
> The official relative URL spec is RFC 1808; it can be found at
> <URL:>.

Excellent. Bernie, could you add this to your list of clarifications to
be included in the 2.0 spec?

chris marrin      Silicon
(415) 390-5367    Graphics   Inc.         

"It is well to remember that the entire universe, with one trifling exception, is composed of others." - John Andrew Holmes

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