Target window/frame for WWWAnchor

Greg Scallan (
Fri, 17 Nov 1995 13:35:39 -0500

Just had a user ask for an interesting feature:

Being able to specify a target window/frame in a WWWAnchor node.

This would be esally neat when laying out HTML doc's with embedded
wrl files and always wanting HREF's to open in a specifically named
window/frame. You can do this today in Netscape using their frame
concept. Maybe we need WWWAnchor string to be more like the HTML
HREF string as opposed to just a URL with some specific info after it.




Greg Scallan                mailto:
Paper Software, Inc.        phone:  914-679-2440
4 Deming Steset             fax:    914-679-4123
Woodstock, NY 12498
<s messa>Paper Software Inc</a>

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