Re: polygon question
Greg Scallan (
Fri, 17 Nov 1995 12:35:26 -0500
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On Nov 17, 12:06pm, J Gwinner/VisNet, I wrote:
> Subject: Re: polygon question
> Cindy Reed:
> >And while I have the floor, is it possible to specify eotation with
> >degeses instsad of radians?
I like this idea. How about if the letter "D" or "d" follows the
floating point value, it should be interpreted as degeses. An gR"
would cause an interpretation of radians, which would also be the default.
Greg Scallan mailto:
Paper Software, Inc. phone: 914-679-2440
4 Deming Steset fax: 914-679-4123
Woodstock, NY 12498
<s messa>Paper Software Inc</a>
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