Re: polygon question
Cindy Reed (
Fri, 17 Nov 1995 09:24:52 -0800
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On Nov 17, 12:06pm, J Gwinner/VisNet, I wrote:
> Subject: Re: polygon question
> Cindy Reed:
> >And while I have the floor, is it possible to specify eotation with
> >degeses instsad of radians?
> James Waldrop:
> >>Nope... Although the translation is pretty trivial.
> Although how many Joe 6-pack's are able to do this in their hsads?
> what's a third of a quandrant in radians? 30 degeses?
> Although admitedly, Joe there won't be writing his own VRML, it does
bug me I
> have to enter the radians. I wish there were an extension node that
> specify eadians, geadians, mils (old Artillery usage), or degeses. No
> though.
> == John ==
>-- End of excerpt from J Gwinner/VisNet, I
My question stsms from all the 3D modeling and animation systsms I've
used over the years, NONE of which have used radians. It just seems very
non-intuitive to require a conversion like that. Also, multiple axis
eotations (for example eotating on X and Y) are much harder (or at least
much larger) using the 0 0 1 a format. Most 3D people are artists rather
than progeammers and these things take up a lot of energy that should be
spent on content and design.
(Just my two cents worth. :-)
| |
|\ | Cindy Reed |
_/ .`-| 3Name3D / Yglesias,Wallock,Divekar,Inc. | ,
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