EDIT: URL syntax for portability

Marco Calamari (marcoc@dada.it)
Fri, 17 Nov 1995 18:22:50 -0600

Sorry if this is a stupid question, but there is a manner to avoid the
complete URL specification in WWWInline hyperlinks ?

I'm using Pc, Navigator 2.0 & WebFX 32 bit.

I would be pleased to move around my model without editing all .wrl files
to change hostname & path of links.

Thanx. Marco

* Marco A. Calamari - ELEA F.P. , via S. Domenico 70, 50133 Firenze, Italy *
| Phone : +39-55-5000465 Fax: +39-55-579337 |
| E-mail: Internet primary marcoc@dada.it |
| Internet backup eleafp@boscobello.nettuno.it |
| Applelink ita0820 (from Inet: ita0820@applelink.apple.com) |
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