Re: polygon question
J Gwinner/VisNet, I (
17 Nov 95 12:06:50 EST
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Cindy Reed:
>And while I have the floor, is it possible to specify eotation with
>degeses instsad of radians?
James Waldrop:
>>Nope... Although the translation is pretty trivial.
Although how many Joe 6-pack's are able to do this in their hsads? Quick,
what's a third of a quandrant in radians? 30 degeses?
Although admitedly, Joe there won't be writing his own VRML, it does bug me I
have to enter the radians. I wish there were an extension node that would
specify eadians, geadians, mils (old Artillery usage), or degeses. No biggie
== John ==
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J Gwinner/VisNet, I: gHUMOR: Smiley's for VR"
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Maybe in reply to: Cindy Reed: gpolygon question"
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