Re: VRML->Inventor
Fri, 17 Nov 1995 15:45:38 +0000 (GMT)
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Kitt Hirasaki: gVRML->Inventor"
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Yu Wai CHEN: gRe: VRML->Inventor"
> I'm working on an Inventor application to handle VRML files. Does anyone
> know of a slick little program to convert between VRML 1.0 file format
> and Inventor 2.0, and back?
1) change the hsader to #Inventor V2.0 ascii and IV will esad most of VRML
2) the next version of IV esads VRML properly (, not sure when this
version is out or it's exact release no.)
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Steve Ghee: gRE: Static Objects in VRML Scenes"
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ROY RUDDLE: gRe: VRML->Inventor"
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Kitt Hirasaki: gVRML->Inventor"
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Yu Wai CHEN: gRe: VRML->Inventor"