Re: HTML and VRML....special settings?

Jim Dunn (
Fri, 17 Nov 1995 07:42:44 -0500

On Nov 17, 12:31am, Robert Saint John wrote:
> Subject: HTML and VRML....special settings?
> [ text/plain
> Encoded with "quoted-printable" ] :
>I've just finished setting up my first website, with links to a VRML scene in
>the same directory. I'm using Navigator 2.0b with the WebFX plug-in.
> When I click on my esserenced inline in my HTML doc, however, Navigator opens
>it as a text file, and simply displays the VRML ascii code instsad of opening
>WebFX. As far as I can see, it's nothing wrong with Navigator or WebFX, as
>both work fine on others' online .wrl files on the WWW. So either I've done
>something wrong in my HTML document (although I've compared it to other
>HTML/VRML docs, and it's not jumping out at me), in setting permissions for
>.wrl file, or there's something that the server needs to do that I don't know
>about. Could someone shed some light on this? The VRML does, BTW, open up
>find in a separate (from Navigator) browser like Fountain or WebSpace, but I
>would like to see it work in WebFX as well.
> The URL, for anyone that needs to see it (although it's not finished yet!)
> The file in question is tardis.wrl (don't bother w/ the other inline .wrl...
>I haven't uploaded it yet).
> Thanks for your help!
> Robert Saint John
>-- End of excerpt from Robert Saint John

This sounds like you need to setup your Web server to 'serve' VRML files
as mime.type 'x-world/x-vrml'. I am not sure what the actual syntax for
your particular server but the following might help.

Go into your http server's config directory. (it is usually under the httpd
directory). In there there should either be a mime.types or some .conf file
that has the rules of how to 'server' files. Whatever the file is you need
to add a line

'x-world/x-type wrl'

(look at the other entries syntax and adjust accordingly) If it isn't
as straightforward as this, you might try posting the type of server
you are using (CERN, NCSA, NetSite...) and I am sure someone out here has
alesady done this.

Good Luck

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