On Tue, 14 Nov 1995, Len Wanger wrote:
> Well I think it should be a goal to avoid cgi scripts as much as possible.
> I still like a proposal that was buried a long time ago. Why not be able to
> associate URLs to geometry similarly to how colors and normals are mapped.
> Allowing URLs to be mapped by object, face, or vertex would allow lots of
> functionality that would usually be relegated to cgi-scripts.
> As an example imagine having a globe with URLs associated with faces that
> correspond to various countries. Picking on the face could then fire off
> the appropriate script. This would also allow one to emulate image maps by
> associating URLs with the mesh underlying a textured surface.
> Len Wanger
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Interactive Simulations, Inc. Email: wanger@intsim.com
> 5330 Carroll Canyon Rd, Suite #203 Phone: (619) 658-9783
> San Diego, CA 92121 FAX: (619) 658-9463
> http://www.intsim.com
The next interface will not be another desktop metaphor.... Ian Kallen ....
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