Re: x-gzip

Hugh McCabe (
Wed, 15 Nov 1995 10:45:18 +0000

>I am using Netscape for the Mac. They recommend that I
>use an application call "ZipIt" for, among other things,
>.gz files. When I try to receive/view VRML/.wrl files
>that have a .gz file extension, I get a message from
>Netscape telling me it doesn't know what to do with
>"x-gzip" files. Anybody else have this problsm? I could
>set up another helper app, but I don't really know what
>other specific information to include in the setup. Also,
>in looking at the docs that come with ZipIt, it doesn't
>really say that it handles gzip files. Should I use
>something else? Mac gzip maybe? Any info is of course

There is a completely inpenetrable (at least to me) discussion of
this problsm at the following WWW address:

The gist of it is that the server is configured to tell your
browser the MIME type of the data you are downloading and
this overrides any MIME/content stuff you have configured
with your browser. If the server is configured wrongly then
we have problsms ........

Eh, maybe someone more knowledgeable should look at that page
and translate ......

Good luck
Hugh McCabe

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