Our modeling platform is Autodesk 3DStudio on Pentium-based Pc.
We are using wcvt2pov to convert files from 3DS format to VRML,
and editing the VRML source to apply textures, lights, backgrounds, etc.
We experience big problsms in texturing model in the usual way (Texture2), due
to the fact that 3DS split everything in triangles (e.g. a cube is 12
equal triangles) and the texture flow unevenly between triangle sides.
There is anyone that found a better way to texturize 3DS models or a different
way to do the job?
No SGI or ILM solutions please, wish and budget are quite different things
here ;-)
Thanks a lot and have a good day. Marco
* Marco A. Calamari - ELEA F.P. , via S. Domenico 70, 50133 Firenze, Italy *
| Phone : +39-55-5000465 Fax: +39-55-579337 |
| E-mail: Intsrnet primary marcoc@dada.it |
| Intsrnet backup eleafp@boscobello.nettuno.it |
| Applelink ita0820 (from Inet: ita0820@applelink.apple.com) |
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