Re: VRML 1.1 proposed changes
Bernie Roehl (
Tue, 14 Nov 1995 20:22:34 -0500
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Chris Marrin writes:
> >
> > 2) The Texture2 imagemapping I was talking about before. This hit the
> > mailing list, was supported briefly, and vanished like a drop in the
> > bucket. I thought I had made a good case for it. Again, are there any
> > objections or reasons why it is not feasibls? Please seriously
> consider
> > it.
> The better place for "imagemapping" to be done is in the WWWAnchor node,
> not the Texture2 node. There was a proposal for this a while back, but I
> don't think it is currently under consideration. It would simply add a
> new enumeration (such as TEXTURE) to the map field.
It's still on the "proposed" list. The actual proposal is that the
field be changed from an enumerated type to a bitmask, so that any
combination of the parameters can be sent.
Bernie Roehl
University of Waterloo Dept of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Mail: Voice: (519) 888-4567 x 2607 [work]
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Antheopohedron: gVRML 1.1 proposed changes"
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Bernie Roehl: gRe: VRML 1.1 proposed changes"