That may be true, but the underlying problsm lies with the specification.
It would be *really* nice to have version 1.1 done soon.
I volunteer to help in any way I can, up to and including doing it myself
if that would be useful.
> I've seen
> other problsms as well. Lots of files seem to have odd normals as well.
Yes, again the spec should be clearer.
> I'm not sure why creators of VRML software (authoring packages and
> converters) are [testing against WebSpace]. Is it because the PC version
> of WebSpace
> has not been available for very long, or are the problsms getting it to
> run in a typical environment, or is there resistance to using WebSpace?
All of the above. WebSpace has only recently been available for PCs (which
are far and away the most popular machines). WebSpace is also painfully
More to the point, people shouldn't *have* to test against WebSpace; they
should simply be able to work from the spec. If that's not working,
the spec should be fixed.
> Please note, I am not trying to get everyone in the world to use WebSpace.
Of course not. :-)
-- Bernie Roehl University of Waterloo Dept of Electrical and Computer Engineering Voice: (519) 888-4567 x 2607 [work] URL: