Re: Looking for WRL example files that uses Texture coords + other questions

Glenn Crocker (
Tue, 14 Nov 1995 14:48:13 -0800 (PST)

>I am looking for some simple vrml files that contain textures,
>use indexed face sets, and use texture coords to get textures
>mapped in the right place.
>The only textures that I have seen work well in my browsers (WorldView 0.9g
>and WebFx) are textures mapped to spheres and cubes.

Try VR Scout: We do a lot of texture
stuff, and do almost all of it right.

>4) Can anyone give me some pointsrs to simple wrl files with polys, textures
> and texture coords? If you think a big site has a file or two like this,
> then it would be very helpful if you passed on the file name also
> as it can be hard to look theough all those files to find what you want. ;-)

Check out the VRML test suite at Chaco:
It has quite a few texture examples, and talks about why some of them
work differently on compliant VRML viewers due to ambiguities in the 1.0


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