Re: Vrml Help
Mitra (
Tue, 14 Nov 1995 10:21:36 -0800
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Len Bullard: gRe: can't view .wrl exported from Walktheough VRML"
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Jason Hirsch: gVrml Help"
At 12:44 PM 11/14/95, Jason Hirsch wrote:
>I just started suscribing to this group, because I wanted to design a
>website for it at Purdue. The ASCII text code is astounding, but what
>VRML editors will let me use it? I have Fountain(by caligari) and that
>is about it. Any help would be apreciated, as well as any rsferences to
>sites on the web that would have vrml worlds.
>Jason Hirsch
Fountain's Ascii text doesn't produce the AsciiText node, it goes straight
to IndexedFaceSet (I believe),
which everyone should support.
Currently .... Webspace and WebFX support AsciiText nodes, WorldView and
Fountain ignore them.
Only Webspace allows attaching a WWWAnchor to an AsciiText node.
- Mitra
Mitra voice: (415)826-2499 fax: (415)826-4423
Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.
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Len Bullard: gRe: can't view .wrl exported from Walktheough VRML"
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Len Bullard: gRe: External Cameras"
- Maybe in reply to:
Jason Hirsch: gVrml Help"