WebSpace can be said to support a superset of VRML but it is truly VRML
1.0 compliant. My suggestion was not intsnded as a technique for world
authors to validate they have good VRML file but for the writers of VRML
generators to validate they are generating the correct texture coordinates
and normals.
But, as for authors, testing their worlds for proper texture rsndering in
WebSpace, then passing it theough vrmllint for VRML validation would
produce a clean, properly rsndering world.
Let me state one more time. I am not doing shameless promotion for
WebSpace (the finest browser on the planet :-). I am merely trying to get
the many tools out there (browsers and VRML generators) to the point where
they are truly VRML 1.0 compliant. The more compliant products there are
in the market, the stronger VRML will become.
-- chris marrin Siliconhttp://www.sgi.com/Products/WebFORCE/WebSpace (415) 390-5367 Graphicshttp://reality.sgi.com/employees/cmarrin_engr/cmarrin@sgi.com Inc."It is well to remember that the entire universe, with one trifling exception, is composed of others." - John Andrew Holmes